Wednesday, February 13, 2013

God is good.....all the time

It's been one of those weeks....

One of those weeks that makes you rethink some things.  One of those weeks that makes you realize that life is way too short to sit around and waste all your time just dreaming about the future.  One that makes you cherish things a little more....hug loved ones a little harder....let go of the little things a little easier and take action on the important things a little faster.

This week the world lost an amazing guy.  My friend David Collas lost his life in a car accident Sunday night.  It's so hard not to dwell on the "why's" or "what-if's".  It's hard not to question what God was this could possibly be in His plan.  At the age of 19...with so much life left to live and so many experiences left to be could this possibly have been his time to go?  This is one of those times when I truly resent my natural human lack of knowledge and understanding.  The fact is, here on Earth, none of us may ever know why things like this happen...or when they're going to happen.  What a perfect opportunity to practice trading in doubt and resentment for faith and trust that God has it all under control.  Even though these tragic experiences hurt like crazy, how comforting it is to know that our Creator can see the whole picture!  He knew exactly when and how this would happen....and He knows exactly how He's going to help us through it and ultimately bring glory to His kingdom because of it.  An incredible number of people are hurting because of the loss of David, but that in and of itself brings glory to God in that in just under two decades, David was able to bless and influence hundreds of lives around him.  On top of that, what a blessing it is to know that because of David's faith in Christ, we as believers will be reunited with him once again!  I hate that this happened...and I'm gonna miss that guy here on Earth.  May God flood David's family and friends with peace and comfort in the sadness...but also with joy and hope in the promise of eternity.  God is good.....all the time.


  1. hit this on the nail. You articulated very well what others were feeling but didn't know how to convey. Thank you.

  2. Megan, you wrote very touchingly. That was nice.
